Wednesday, November 24, 2010


    Practicing service is a difficult thing to do willfully. Marriage is good at forcing you to do it no matter what, every minute of the day. I believe it was designed this way; and for this reason it is very important to know that before going into it. But I digress, service is an integral part of the Christian life. It is what binds us together; showing humility and care to one another through the one whom we strive to serve and become: Jesus Christ. But this, as with all things, is easier said than done.
    The best way to start serving another is to simply ask what they need. For many people, myself included, even this step is difficult. Asking to serve someone is, in actuality, putting yourself literally at a lower position than you usually see yourself, and raising that person above you in order to humbly help them. Pride is a big proponent of serving others, because serving others requires humility. I have learned this the long, hard way.
    So, the best way to begin serving is to, first, have a humble heart. Truly see yourself as lesser for Christ’s sake, so that nothing may hinder the level of servant hood you portray to that person. Second, ask! Everyone has needs, and most are too prideful to admit to it. Humility and servant-based questions can weed that out and help further advance the Kingdom in amazing ways. Serving is the number one way to show humility and, ultimately, Christ likeness.

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