Friday, October 15, 2010

Our Conflicted Souls, The Greatest Good

    I believe every soul on earth has the ability to do the greatest good. I believe those same exact souls also have the ability to do the greatest evil. Why? Why are our wills so broken? Divided against themselves? Isn’t it common knowledge that a house like that cannot stand? So, why do we still do it? Every soul on earth has the ability of great good or greater evil, but between the two also lies the ability of choice. We must choose to do each of those things. We choose not to kill, steal, lie, cheat. Just as we choose to love and care for one another. Love is a choice. Christ is a choice.
    As Teresa of Avila wrote, “For we fight with devils, and thus, there is no better weapon than the Cross.” The devils inside us, our own indwelling sin, is permeating throughout our entire being even with the power of the Holy Spirit. How frightening, but also how encouraging! Now, we have even more power to do great good! Although, it is very important to keep in mind His will and not your own, to be careful of what part of your soul you are listening to. Teresa of Avila also stated: “You may also make the mistake of thinking that you will be better able to bear your trials if God will only grant you inward consolations. Remember that God knows what is best for you, and that we are incapable of asking for what is best for us.”
    We must be vigilante of Satan within us, befriending us, telling us what we need. It is him! It is our sin at work within us! Wake up! As John Chrysostom said, “If we were suddenly aware of a serpent nestling in our bed, we would go to great lengths to kill it. But when the devil nestles in our souls, we tell ourselves we are in no danger, and thus we lie at ease.” We don’t see his power, we cant tell because he is in us. How deceiving! We think its just us! If we can realize this, and choose the greater good, the risen Christ, than what could ever stop us? Put eloquently by John Chrysostom, “If we do this, not even the devil himself will get the better of us…the devil has no desire for open combat, for he would surely be defeated.” See it, and choose.

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